Casinos are carefully designed to influence visitors and keep them gambling. They waft scented oils through their ventilation systems, create a euphoric experience with flashing lights and joyful music, and use slot machines that produce “near wins” (when you see two matching symbols) to give players a sense of luck, and encourage them to spend more time and money trying to hit the jackpot.
It’s no wonder that gambling is a popular pastime – it offers people a temporary escape from the stress and worries of everyday life. However, there are far better ways to spend your money and your time, such as exercising regularly, engaging in mindfulness or meditation, and spending time with loved ones. So before you head to the casino floor, set a limit for yourself and stick to it!
While Casino lacks the pizzazz of Goodfellas, it’s a compelling and convincing depiction of the gangster lifestyle. It lays bare the elaborate web of corruption in Vegas, with tendrils reaching to politicians, the Teamsters unions, mob families in Chicago, and the Midwest mob in Kansas City. The film also shows how casinos skim profits from their games, food service, and gift shops, as well as how they manipulate their employees to do so. The performances from De Niro and Sharon Stone are outstanding, and the movie never lags or runs out of steam.